
Phase 2 of Reopening

As of Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

We are pleased to reopen Phase 2 under the NH guidelines for Communities of Faith that suggest a maximum number in the hall not exceed 50% of our occupancy.

  • All meetings held prior to COVID closing are welcome to return.
  • For the front room, capacity is 38 people plus a speaker. Upstairs it will be 52 people including the speaker.
  • Individuals who have symptoms of COVID-19 should not enter the TC. These symptoms are identified on signs at the TC and are also on the Air Tame screen in the meeting room.
  • The groups are responsible for cleaning chairs, surfaces, and restrooms at the end of each meeting. Each chair must be disinfected with the sprayer/disinfectant provided as well as all surfaces and rest rooms (sink, toilets/urinals, and door handles).
  • Cloth face coverings/shields are required for those attending meetings. Please bring your own mask.
  • Groups may make coffee, but food for sharing is greatly discouraged during this phase.
  • Copies of all the guidelines for reopening that we are following are available.
  • Please contact Michelle or Bob if you have any comments or concerns as well as requests access to a laptop for zoom capabilities. Triangle Club number is 603-742-9803.